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Product Roadmap?

1. Product Roadmap

Product roadmaps help you define what you want to achieve with your business. They provide a clear picture of where you’re going, how you plan to get there, and who you need to work with along the way.

2. Business Plan

A business plan is a document that outlines your goals, objectives, strategies, and plans for achieving them. A well-written business plan provides investors and lenders with a roadmap for evaluating your company's viability.

3. Market Research

Market research helps you understand your target audience and their buying habits. You'll learn about your customers' wants and needs, and gain valuable insight into potential competitors.

4. Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy is the blueprint for your marketing efforts. It includes everything from determining your budget to choosing the best type of advertising.

5. Sales & Operations Plan

Sales and operations planning (S&OP) is the process of developing a detailed sales and operations plan. It ensures that your business runs smoothly and efficiently.

6. Financial Model

Financial modeling is the process of calculating the financial implications of your business model. It helps you determine whether your business idea makes sense financially.

7. Funding Options

Funding options are the different ways you can raise money for your business. There are many types of funding, including loans, grants, equity investments, crowdfunding, and debt financing.

Define and Validate the Product Vision

1. What is the product vision?

A product vision is the end goal of a business. It is what the company wants to achieve and how they want to get there. A product vision should answer these questions: Who are we? Why do we exist? Where do we want to go? How do we get there?

2. Define the product

The first step in defining the product is to define it. You need to know exactly what you are selling. If you don't know what you are selling, then how can you sell anything? So, the first thing you need to figure out is who you are selling to. Are you targeting consumers? Or, are you trying to target businesses? Once you have figured out who you are selling to, you need to determine what the product is. Is it a physical product? An intangible product? Something else entirely?

3. Validate the product vision

Once you have defined the product, you need to validate it. You need to make sure that it makes sense. Does it fit with the brand? Can it be easily understood by customers? Do people understand it? These are just some examples of things you may want to consider.

Focus on Product Objectives, Not Features

1. What is product objective?

Product objectives are the reasons why customers buy products. When you think about what you want to accomplish with your business, you should focus on product objectives instead of features. You may have heard the saying “If you build it they will come”. Well if you build it, then you need to make sure that people know about it. If you don't tell them, then no one will ever find out about it. So, how do you get people to find out about your product? By telling them!

2. How do you define product objectives?

Define your product objectives before you start building your website. Your product objectives should be clear and concise. Think about what you want to achieve with your business. Do you want to sell more? Are you looking to increase sales? Or maybe you just want to provide a service to your clients. Whatever your goal is, write down everything you want to accomplish. Then break those goals down into smaller pieces.

3. How do you determine what to put on your website?

Once you've defined your product objectives, you'll need to decide what information you want to share with potential customers. Make sure that you're providing enough information to help your visitors understand what your product does. Include any images, videos, testimonials, and reviews that will help your visitors learn more about your product.

4. How do you create content for your website?

Content creation is the backbone of any successful website. Content marketing includes text, video, audio, graphics, and even infographics. There's a lot to consider when creating content for your website. First, you need to figure out what type of content works best for your audience. Is it written content? Video? Infographic? Second, you need to make sure you're using the right keywords. Third, you need to keep track of your content strategy so you can measure its effectiveness.

5. How do you promote your website?

Promoting your website means getting the word out about your business. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest are great places to advertise. You can also use paid advertising like Google Adwords. However, social media is free and effective, so it's worth considering first.

Make the Product Roadmap Visible

1. What's the product?

The first step in making a product roadmap visible is to define what the product is. In the case of cannabis products, we're talking about flower, concentrates, edibles, topicals, etc.

2. Who's using it?

This question should help you understand who the target market is. If you know who your customers are, then you'll be able to create a product that they want.

3. Where does it fit in their lives?

Once you've defined your product, think about where it fits in people's lives. Is it something they need right now? Or do they have a long-term use case for it?

4. How much time do they spend thinking about it?

If you don't already know how much time your customers spend thinking about your product, start measuring. You may find out that they spend a lot of time thinking about it!

5. What's the pain point?

Now that you know who your customers (and potential customers) are and where they spend their time, you can figure out what problems they face. Once you identify these problems, you can make sure that your product solves them.

6. What's the solution?

You've identified the problem your customer faces. Now you need to figure out what the solution is. Think about what makes your product unique and differentiates it from others.

7. Why would they buy it?

Think about the reasons why someone would buy your product. Are they looking for a quick fix? Do they want to save money? Do they want to feel good about themselves?

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